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Whitmore and Binyon, Engineers and Millwrights of Wickham Market
By Phyllis Cockburn MBE
A short account of a small but famous 19th century firm. They specialised in making and maintaining machinery for wind, water and roller mills. This well illustrated booklet concentrates on the Whitmore family and their Wickham Market connections.
Price £3.00
The Hill, Wickham Market - A glimpse into the past
Sorry - this is currently out of stock and is being updated.
Giving detailed historical notes of all the properties around The Hill, Wickham Market, together with old photos.
Price £5.00
The Workhouse - Deben Court
A detailed history of The Plomesgate Union Workhouse, Wickham Market (which is now Deben Court), including old photos.
Records from our archive regarding The Workhouse will be featured in the April 2020 edition of "Who Do You Think You Are?" magazine.
Price £5.00
Deben Valley Place Names Survey
We hold the copyright of the documents that were produced in the 1980-1990 period, which give details of 23 parishes.
These can be printed on request.
There are two Wickham Market volumes
£7.50 for each document
John Thompson biography (and Wickham Market riots)

A biography of John Thompson and a detailed account of the riots in Wickham Market in 1810
Price £3.50
Gwen Dyke, local historian 1924 - 1992

Gwen was a co-founder of Wickham Market Village Hall Reference Centre (now called Wickham Market Area Archive Centre).
This booklet was prodcued to mark the 10th anniversary of her death, with contributions from many who knew her.
This is now available FREE
To order any of these items, email philiptallent@btinternet.com or write to
WMAAC Chairman, 20 Dallinghoo Road, Wickham Market, Woodbridge, IP13 0RP.
(Please put WMAAC in the subject line if emailing).